Overview of Intel SGX - Part 2, SGX Externals

This blog post provides the reader with an overview of the Intel SGX technology, as a follow-up to SGX Internals. In this second part, we quickly explain how an application interacts with its enclave. We also detail what pieces of software are included within the SDK and PSW. Finally, we summarize the known attacks and concerns with this technology, as well as conclude on the subject.

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Overview of Intel SGX - Part 1, SGX Internals

This blog-post provides the reader with an overview of the Intel SGX technology. In this first part, we explore the additions made to Intel platforms to support SGX, focusing on the processor and memory. We then explain the management and life cycle of an enclave. Finally, we detail two features of enclaves: secret sealing and attestation.

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Quarks In The Shell - Episode IV

This year has been very fruitful for Quarkslab with lots of research, new challenges, newcomers, open source success. It is now a tradition to look back at what we have done during a small conference named “Quarks in the Shell” or just "QITS", where we share the year experience with our customers, partners and friends. QITS meeting is one of the output channels for our research work that is also reflected in internal tools, our open-source projects (e.g. Triton, LIEF and QBDI), and our products (IRMA Enterprise and Epona).

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Introduction to Trusted Execution Environment: ARM's TrustZone

Increasing popularity of connected devices in recent years has led devices manufacturers to deal with security issues in a more serious way than before. In order to address these issues appropriately, a specification has emerged to define a way to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data running in the entity implementing this specification.

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