Windows Filtering Platform: Persistent state under the hood

Since Windows XP SP2, the Windows firewall is deployed and enabled by default in every Microsoft Windows operating system. Starting with Windows Vista the firewall relies on a set of API and services called the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP). Although used by almost every Windows OS, WFP is still one of the relatively unknown beast that lies in the kernel. In this post we will see how the firewall manages its persistent state.

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Offres de stages Quarkslab pour la saison 2015-2016

Chaque saison, des nuées de stagiaires quittent les réconfortants bancs de l'école pour rejoindre le monde sans pitié du travail. Afin de faciliter cette transition, nous, à Quarkslab, proposons des stages avec des sujets pointus, un encadrement sans complaisance mais néanmoins chaleureux, un régime alimentaire digne de sportifs de haut niveau (indispensable pour tenir le rythme), et un humour imperméable aux blagues qui ne font pas toujours un tabac. Si toi aussi tu aimes les défis, engage toi avec nous !

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Remote Code Execution as System User on Android 5 Samsung Devices abusing WifiCredService (Hotspot 2.0)

This article explains a recently disclosed vulnerability, independently discovered by the Google's Project Zero team and by Quarkslab some months ago. To our knowledge, this vulnerability was present, on all Samsung devices using Android 5, and allowed remote code execution as system user simply by browsing a website, by downloading an email attachment or via a malicious third party application with no permission.

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