Passbolt: a bold use of HaveIBeenPwned

Passbolt, an Open Source Password Manager, is using the Pwned Passwords service from HaveIBeenPwned to alert users if their password is present in a previous data breach. Pwned Passwords API is based on a mathematical property known as k-Anonymity guaranteeing that it never gains enough information about a non-breached password hash to be able to breach it later. Sounds good, right?

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Status of post-quantum cryptography implementation

Post-quantum cryptography is an active field of research, especially since the NIST Call for Submissions in 2016 to design new standards for asymmetric key cryptography. The aim of post-quantum cryptography is to mitigate the risk of a large-scale quantum computer which may break all the asymmetric cryptography that is deployed today. This blogpost will present the activity state of the post-quantum cryptography field and sketch the challenges for the deployment of post-quantum safe standards for the industry, both in term of internal infrastructures and security products.

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