Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Fuzzing
This blog post presents our fuzzer for the Bluetooth Low Energy GATT layer and the related vulnerabilities found with it.
more ...This blog post presents our fuzzer for the Bluetooth Low Energy GATT layer and the related vulnerabilities found with it.
more ...In this blog post we present PASTIS, a Python framework for ensemble fuzzing, developed at Quarkslab.
more ...We recently begun to search bugs in USB host stacks using one of our tool based on the Facedancer. This article first presents our fuzzing approach followed by a practical example of a bug in Windows 8.1 x64 full-updated. The goal of this article is not to redefine state-of-the-art USB fuzzing, nor to give a full description of our fuzzing architecture, but rather to narrate a scenario which starts from fuzzing and ends up with a bug report.
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