Quokka: A Fast and Accurate Binary Exporter

Quarkslab is open-sourcing Quokka, a binary exporter to manipulate a program's disassembly without a disassembler. This blog post introduces the project, details some parts of its inner workings, and showcases some potential usages. Quokka enables users to write complex analyses on a disassembled binary without dealing with the disassembler API.

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Guided tour inside WinDefender’s network inspection driver

This article describes how Windows Defender implements its network inspection feature inside the kernel through the use of WFP (Windows Filtering Platform), how the device object’s security descriptor protects it from being exposed to potential vulnerabilities and details some bugs I found. As a complement to this post, a small utility is released to test the different bugs.

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How the MSVC Compiler Generates XFG Function Prototype Hashes

Microsoft is currently working on Xtended Flow Guard (XFG), an evolved version of Control Flow Guard (CFG), their own control flow integrity implementation. XFG works by restricting indirect control flow transfers based on type-based hashes of function prototypes. This blog post is a deep dive into how the MSVC compiler generates those XFG function prototype hashes.

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