Audit of Kuksa, the open-source shared building blocks for Software Defined Vehicles

Eclipse KUKSA's committers, with support from Eclipse Foundation, engaged with Quarkslab to perform an audit of Kuksa, an open-source framework that provides shared building blocks for Software Defined Vehicles. The goal of the audit was to assist the Eclipse Kuksa committers to increase their security posture using static and dynamic analysis (fuzzing in particular) and was organized by Open Source Technology Improvement Fund, Inc and made possible by the founding Eclipse Foundation received from the Alpha-Omega project.

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Emulating RH850 architecture with Unicorn Engine

Analyzing an automotive ECU firmware is sometimes quite challenging, especially when you cannot emulate some of its most interesting functions to find vulnerabilities, like ECUs based on Renesas RH850 system-on-chips. This article details how we managed to add support for this specific architecture into Unicorn Engine, the various challenges we faced and how we successfully used this work to emulate and analyze a specific function during an assignment.

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Passbolt: a bold use of HaveIBeenPwned

Passbolt, an Open Source Password Manager, is using the Pwned Passwords service from HaveIBeenPwned to alert users if their password is present in a previous data breach. Pwned Passwords API is based on a mathematical property known as k-Anonymity guaranteeing that it never gains enough information about a non-breached password hash to be able to breach it later. Sounds good, right?

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