Windows 8 ate my cookie

Modern OSes have a feature that mitigates the exploitation of stack based buffer overflows. It basically works by writing a "cookie" value before the return address in the stack in the prologue of a function and checking it before the function returns (for further information, see [1] and [2]). This article talks about how this mitigation has been enforced in Windows 8.

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IDA processor module

Writing a disassembler is a tedious task. You have to decode the opcode, interpret the meaning of the operands and, finally, print the instruction correctly. Fortunately, you can count on IDA to provide modules with mapping executable, a colorful GUI, control flow graphs and so on. In this article, I'll share my feedbacks on developing an IDP module for IDA.

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Visual C++ RTTI Inspection

C++ is well-known to be tedious to analyze, the use of both inheritance and polymorphism (i.e. virtual method) makes the compiler generate indirect calls. Usually, this kind of assembly code forces the reverse engineer to execute the code in order to figure out the destination of a call. In fact, we are looking for the VFT (Virtual Function Table). This table contains all virtual methods for a specific instance of a class. This article shows how to retrieve this information to make the analysis of a C++ software easier.

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