Passbolt: a bold use of HaveIBeenPwned

Passbolt, an Open Source Password Manager, is using the Pwned Passwords service from HaveIBeenPwned to alert users if their password is present in a previous data breach. Pwned Passwords API is based on a mathematical property known as k-Anonymity guaranteeing that it never gains enough information about a non-breached password hash to be able to breach it later. Sounds good, right?

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Have you ever played with Domino?

IBM Lotus Domino is an email client rather common in companies like Microsoft Outlook. This article proposes to observe a small part of the application engine, namely one method used to store the user's password. In a second step, we will conduct a brief analysis of all used algorithms then we will see how to implement a plugin for John The Ripper to bruteforce discovered digests.

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